Cultivate a friendship


                    Cultivate a friendship
                    As you do a garden bed;
                    Nourish, feed and watch it grow,
                    With help and nice things said.

                    Smile, it's like the sunshine
                    Needed for the flowers,
                    Loving hands to tend and care,
                    Soft rains and sun-filled hours.

                    Little hurts are like weeds,
                    That come between the rows;
                    Pull and cast them out before
                    The beautiful friendship goes.

                    Be proud of your well tended garden,
                    And proud of a good friend too,
                    All the work you put into them
                    Will come straight back to you.

                    Don't neglect your garden,
                    Or the good friends that you know,
                    Don't let a single day go by,
                    Keep trying, both will grow.

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