Arizone Butte
Arizona Butte
Photograph by Rex Naden
"I was blown away by the effect of the Earth's shadow beyond this butte located in northern Arizona. The small tree in the foreground made the shot."—Rex Naden
Lions Gate Bridge, Vancouver
Photograph by Mathieu Dupuis
The city skyline and the Lions Gate Bridge through the fog made the scene especially magical.
Storm Clouds, Grand Canyon National Park
Photograph by Michael Nichols, National Geographic
Storm clouds clear to reveal frosted cliffs near Point Hansbrough in Arizona's Grand Canyon National Park.
National Performing Arts Center, Beijing
Photograph by Lance McMillan
China's National Performing Arts Center hosted its first concert in 2007.
Horseshoe Crabs
Horseshoe crabs gather at dusk to mate along the shore of the Delaware Bay in Cape May, New Jersey.
High tides and a new or full moon bring the largest concentration of crabs to the shoreline each May.
Hengill Mountain, Iceland
Hengill mountain is close to Reykjavik and is famous for its geothermal areas and vivid colours.